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de arte 2024

Convocatoria para Residencia Artística en el Castillo de Mühlberg, Alemania.

Para nosotros es importante promover el intercambio cultural entre México y Alemania, así como fomentar el crecimiento y desarrollo de artistas en un entorno inspirador.


Este 2024 recibirá en su gran castillo a artistas cradores de:

  • Pintura

  • Escultura

  • Dibujo

  • Gráfica Digital

  • Instalación (Característica Digital)

  • Artes Escénicas 

  • Arte Sonoro/ Música

  • Fotografía

  • Video / Cortometraje

*Los artistas dedicados a otras categorías a las mencionadas, no serán tomadas en cuenta.


El costo semanal para participar en la residencia artística es de 250 euros por persona.

Residencias anteriores

visual arts 

Site specific art residence in Mühlberg, Germany. This

2018 noox will host 10 artists: creators focused on the

development of visual arts, mapping, projections,

light sculptures, installations, architectural lighting,

light trails, film, virtual reality, landart, music and performing

arts, with an interest in experimental and

ludic disciplines.


Announcement Closed


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Theaterspektakel frei nach W. Shakespeare.

Looking for Hamlet is the result of an international Performing Arts Residency created by Noox and Teatro del Mundo.

1O international actors and artists from Mexico Italy, Australia and England, have been working together for the past three weeks to create an immersive experience which explores all the various spaces of the castle while an active spectator is invited into the story of the Prince of Denmark.


Antonio Salinas


Elizabeth Guindi,Nathan Sapsford, 
Luis Lesher, Irene Trapani, 
Mauro Gómez , Veronica del Cerro
Renata WimerJ. Antonio Blanco
Fernando Villa Proal,Sergio Solis


Cartel 1

Schloßpl. 1, 04931


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The audience is welcome and encouraged to stay over the weekend and enjoy the various other activities within the castle and it's surroundings



  • Train

  • Berlin - Falkenberg / Elster

  • RE3 to / nach Falkenberg / Elster

  • Bus Falkenberg - Mühlberg 

  • Schloß Shuttle 

  • Transfer: book with arrival time at Falkenberg 

  • Auto Berlin - Mühlberg 

Hostels in Mühlberg

  • Hostels and hotels in Mühlberg close to the castle.

  • Please book in advance, the costs start at 15€ per person in a shared room until 55€ in a double room 

  • Camping by the lake costs 10€ each person per night, at the Schloß Gardens per tent 20€ for the weekend, please bring your own tent. Including bathrooms and showers 

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Teatro del Mundo

Resident Company

We are a company founded in Mexico City in 2016.


Our mission is to create new fields of development in cultural management, representation of artists, professional training and production in performing arts.


We have activities that include workshops, master classes, stage productions and international residences, where theater research and artistic exchange are encouraged.

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PAIR / Performing Artists International Residencies by Teatro del Mundo

In 2016 with the program dedicated to William Shakespeare, the first International Residency of Performing Artists was held with the aim of generating a favorable space for collaboration and exchange of theatre makers around the world.


Up to now our residences have taken place in different cities of Mexico with participants from France, Canada, England, Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Brazil and E.UA.


The residences last approximately three weeks, during which various stage creators meet to prepare a joint production.

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Renata Wimer

Artistic Director of the Program

Mexican performing artist. Her artistic research interweaves the work in theatre and music and dance. She began her studies in physical theatre and classical music, and since then she has collaborated with a diverse range of independent companies inside Mexico and abroad.


As an actress and dancer she worked with theatre directors like Bill Buckhusrt, Raz Swaw, Roland Schimmeplfennig, Katie Mc Hugh, Peter Wynne Wilson, Sergei Ostrenko, José Caballero, Emilio García Wehbi, Richard Viqueira, Sergio Vela, David Meadows, Jaime Razzo, Jessica Sandoval, Gabriela Ochoa, Gari Jones, among others. She has performed in Finland,Lituania, Japan, India, UK,Korea and in different international festivals in Latin America like Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro and Festival Cervantino.


She trained at Shakespeare´s Globe in London as part of the 2015 International Actor's Fellowship. Her theatre experience in Shakespeare includes: A Midsummer Night Dream, King Lear, Henry V, As you Like it , The Comedy of Errors.


Multi-­instrumentalist and composer. She studied cello in Paris with Emilia Baranowska. She also made studies in India, Nepal and Iran of stringed instruments such as the Sitar, Esraj and Setar. She has composed music for different stage productions and has collaborated with the ensemble of Eastern music Ghazali and the Persian music ensemble Didar.


In 2013 she joined as an actress and musician the International Residency hosted by the Kijimuna Fest in Japan collaborating with artists from Asia and Europe.

She belongs to the International Actors Ensemble, who devotes artistic research to Shakespeare.


She is a certified yoga teacher by the International Alliance of Hridaya Yoga.

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Antonio Salinas

Artistic Collaborator

Dancer, actor, choreographer, stage director and teacher.
Graduated from the career of contemporary dance, from the National School of Classical and Contemporary Dance of the INBA.
As a dancer he has worked with various choreographers such as Laura Rocha, Alicia Sánchez, Raul Parrao, Sondar Loring, Keneth Goold, Marco Antonio Silva, Laura Aris, Germán Jáuregui, and others.

The specialized Mexican magazine "Zona de Danza" mentions him as one of the three best dancers in the country. He has received prizes as the best monologue actor Enrique Rambál Prize 2005 , awarded by the Mexican Association of Theater Critics, Best choreographer in the Young Choreographers ISSSTE 2002 by the pice "Lucas Lucan", Miguel Covarrubias Prize 2005 by the University of Colima by "Tonelada de luz", Award for the best work selected by the public, Lila López dance festival, "Mejor Bailarín" at the XIX National Dance Award INBA-UAM.


Salinas created choreographies for the National Opera Company, the National Classical Dance Company, Compañía de la Universidad Veracruzana, for the Escuela Superior de Danza de Monterrey, for the Dance Academy and was commissioned to create a play of physical theater and actions performances with the stable cast of CEPRODAC  "LO".

Salinas has been performed in the United States, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, India.

He teaches the actor's body drama and biomechanical techniques for the actor's professionalization graduates at the Centro Dramático de Michoacán as well as for the acting degree at Casa del Teatro, and for the bachelor's and master's degree in direction of the National School of Theater.

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Sergio Solis

Artistic Collaborator

Stage artist. He  studied at the Escuela Nacional de Arte Teatral (ENAT)  in Mexico City.   He has worked in more than 40 Theater plays working with companies such as: Los Endebles, Género Menor ,Proyecto Perla and Teatro Alamar. On 2013 he traveled to Vilnius ,Lithuania, to participate in the International Lab of Physical Teather at Lietuvos Rusu Dramos Teatras directed by Sergei Ostrenko(IUGTE).

He had performed in Theater festivals in Ecuador. Cánada, France and Venezuela. And this year in south Korea.On 2015 he traveled to Aarhus,Denmark ,to have an artistic residency at Godsbanen with the Project:”Dead tree gives no shelter”.  


In 2004, he was part of the Butoh dance company 0.618 in Mexico under the direction of Jaime Razzo participating in several dance festivals, obtaining National institutional recognition and grants.


Later on he was invited to be part of the multicultural and multidisciplinary hybrid group ArTwisted Projects where he could combine his corporal interests and skills with the Performance art. Together with three Austrian artists and three other Mexican artists he travelled to perform in the frame of the Schmiede Festival in Hallein, Salzburg in 2007.

In 2010 he started a series of Performances with the visual artist Alessa Esteban,shown at the Univeristy of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria for the workshop with Erwin Wurm and Elfie Semotan, later on he was invited to show the perfomance again and to participate in an Elfie Semotan’s  photo shooting in 2010,those photos were published on EIKON international magazine of photo and media 2011.


The very same year he was invited to participate in ¡DADADA! International collective, at Fluxus art´s birthday event in the atmosphere of Museums Quartier, again with artists from different nationalities and disciplines.

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